Saturday, June 9, 2012

Catholic e-books for Kids

On this chart, all the links are to the Kindle store, but 
you can find these titles in your favorite e-format, too. 

More "just for fun"
titles coming. The 
rest are lives of 
And our


Thursday, June 7, 2012

First response to Sr Helena's book

Chicago attorney Linda Weaver (who will freely admit that she is not within the target audience of 20-30 year olds) got a hold of Sr Helena's book this week and wrote about it to her friends. With her permission, we are sharing it with the world:

 I – LOVE - IT!!!! 

The book, “He Speaks to You,” is a daily meditation/reflection unlike any I have seen before (and I have several unused ones on my shelves from years gone by… ) 

Each month has a different theme (His Love, His Life, His Cross, His Will, His Family, His Majesty, His Ways, In His Image, In His Service, His Mother, For His Kingdom, and In His Arms.)

Each day's reflection begins with Jesus speaking directly to the (young) woman's heart- words that console, even as they challenge-followed by a short Scripture passage, words of wisdom from those who've walked the journey toward Christ, a "To do" section for those who prefer some practical activity (the Marthas!), and a "To journal" section for those who prefer to contemplate and write (the Marys!). 

Now, it says that the book is designed for “young” women (20-30), but I don’t see why all women wouldn’t love it. 

Click on the link and you can then look at the first 10 days of January. Awesome. I like the daily suggestions as to what one should journal about. I have tons of unused journals too. Maybe I’ll actually write something in them now! So, if you like what you see, walk on down to the bookstore or order online – one for you and 10 for all your best friends. They are only $10.95! 

It is listed on Amazon but not available there yet. Hey, why not buy it direct from the Daughters?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Porn Addiction Recovery and Accountability Resources

RECLAiM Sexual Health Combines brain science and insights from Theology of the Body in a process of private, anonymous, online addiction recovery for unwanted sexual behaviors.  Free.

Fight the New Drug Created by and for young adults.

Truth About Porn New site featuring academic research about the harmful effects of pornography.

Internet and Accountability Resources for home and as an accountability measure:

CovenantEyes  (also provides free downloadable e-books on the brain science of porn addiction and on church-based action); CovenantEyes also sells Internet and accountability filters. programs for accountability partners; mobile-compatible.

Summer Sale (in honor of St Paul)

In the Pauline Family, June is St Paul's month, thanks especially to the feast of Sts Peter and Paul on June 29, but also to the special-to-the-Paulines Feast of St Paul himself on June 30. Traditionally, vow day tends to be scheduled as close as possible to the Feast of St. Paul, although some years it ends up in January (Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul) or August (around the feast of St. Bernard, the anniversary of the Pauline family). To honor St. Paul during "his" month, we have put several special titles on sale: Paul, Least of the Apostles Letters of Saint Paul (pocket-size edition) Facing the Apostle: Paul’s Image in Art (an ideal gift for ordination anniversaries: take a look inside!) and for young readers: Saint Paul: the Thirteenth Apostle Saint Paul: Comic Color Saints Other titles on sale through June 30: Beginning Contemplative Prayer The Beauty of Mary John Paul II: A Marian treasury Facing illness Finding peace Making Peace with Yourself Paths through Grief Angels Help from On High (about the angels; includes various prayers to the angels and archangels) Charles de Foucauld Anthony Words on Fire: St Anthony of Padua Teen Prayers for Teens For young readers: Between You and God (prayers) Family Matters (short stories) Friend 2 Friend (short stories) Family Ties (short stories) Now You’re Cooking (stories and recipes!)   Come in through June 30 to take advantage of the discounted price on wonderful books for the whole family!

We have a winner!

The Association of Catholic Publishers (ACP – formerly CBPA) has recognized three of this year's recent Pauline releases for “Excellence in Catholic Publishing.” Catholic children's guide through griefIn "Pastoral Resources," our children's grief journal, "I will Remember You: My Catholic Guide through Grief" won 1st Place. This title originated here in our Chicago community, when Sister Anne noticed her then seven-year-old niece reading "Harry Potter" at a family funeral. With her background as a children's editor, Sr Anne drew up a proposal for an activity-based grief journal for kids that would cover the first full year of mourning--incorporating the child's memory of the loved one into such observances as Christmas, Valentine's Day, birthdays and Easter. Kimberly Schuler, a certified school counselor with an MS in Counseling Psychology, took the idea and developed it into a comprehensive and trustworthy tool for families at a most difficult time.Then Sr. Mary Joseph Peterson added custom art and design, making this memory book truly memorable. Under "General Interest," Pauline title "Wisdom for Living the Final Season" was awarded 2nd place. In it, hospice nurse Kathy Kalina (author of PBM best-seller "Midwife for Souls addresses the physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges experienced by those who live in the shadow of a terminal illness. (Hmmm, is there a trend here?) Finally, in the "Inspiration" category, Father Scott Hurd's “Forgiveness, a Catholic Approach” received 3rd place.