At St. Peter's in the Loop:
Fr. Bob Sprott is back in Chicago! Meet with him for a six-week study of Bl. John Henry Newman's "Apologia Pro Vita Sua," a masterpiece of English literature and of the spiritual life. Tuesdays, March 7-April 11, 12:10-12:50 (info: Carolyn Jarosz, 312 853-2376). Get the book.
The Book of Revelation from a Catholic perspective, in its historical, theological and literary contexts. Just four days: Feb. 28-Mar. 3, 12:10-12:50 (info: Carolyn Jarosz, 312 853-2376).
Catholics Come Home, continuing program especially for people who want to renew their relationship with the Church. Topic for Part 2: Reconciliation, Forgiveness. Thursdays, March 10-April 14; 12:10-12:50 (info: Carolyn Jarosz, 312 853-2376).
In Lakeview, Our Lady of Mt Carmel is running the 8-week Scripture overview program by Jeff Cavins (video). DATES: Wed. evenings 7:15 - 8:45 PM February 23rd thru April 13th OR Tues. mornings 9:00 - 10:30 AM February 22nd thru April 12th in the parish center. $25 includes workbook packet. Call Rita at 773-525-0453 x12 or email:
And here at PBM, we have begun the full 28-week Scripture program by Jeff Cavins. Saturday mornings (except for 2nd Saturday of the month) 10:30-12:00. Bring your own Bible! Registration: $40; Optional workbook: $30. Call 312 346 4228 to sign up!
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