Friday, December 14, 2012

Christmas Music in the Air!

The speakers are wafting Christmas music across the Michigan Avenue sidewalk, prompting passers-by to take a second look at the show window and its large Nativity scene. Some families stop and pray, while the parents point out "Mary, and Joseph, and the child in the manger." This year, we can also boast that all five of our Sisters' choir Christmas albums are now available for download on iTunes, to make it even easier for you to share the inspiring sounds of the season.

New Seasonal FB images for download

Visit our publishing house site to download free Facebook “cover” pictures (to use at the top of your Facebook page) and “message squares” to share inspiration with your friends. These images are designed to fit around your profile picture (which gets inset on the lower left corner) without losing any essential part of the picture or text.

Sample "Message Square" for Week 2 of Advent