Monday, January 9, 2012

Christmas Sale!

This is the week to get the last of our Nativity scenes, snow globes, ornaments, classroom gifts, Advent candles and Christmas books (including storybooks and sticker books) for 50% off.

While you're in, sign up for our Lenten program (which will extend through May 12): Every Saturday from Feb. 25-May 12, meet with other adults who want to brush up on their knowledge of Catholic faith, history and culture. We'll be watching Fr. Barron's Catholicism DVD series and then using the special study material to go more in depth. Chicago seminarian Dominic Clemente will facilitate the discussion, (Registration fee, $40; Study binder and text are optional.)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Pauline Author now Vicar General for Ordinariate

On January 1, the "Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter" was formally established for Anglican groups in the US who are entering into full communion with the Catholic Church. The Ordinary, Fr. Jeffrey Steenson, will be installed on Feb. 19. His Vicar General is Father Scott Hurd, like Fr. Steenson, a former Episcopalian priest; unlike Fr. Steenson, an author for Pauline Books & Media. (He's also a good friend of the Daughters of St. Paul in Alexandria, VA.)

Get Fr. Hurd's book on Forgiveness from Pauline, or right on your Kindle.

Catholic Cultural Opportunities in the Loop

In case your new year's resolution included brushing up your knowledge of Catholic faith and life, the Loop is the place to be this first part of 2012!

Here at Pauline, we will continue our Saturday morning adult faith program for Lent, using Fr. Barron's Catholicism DVDs. The sessions will be led by a Chicago seminarian. Call for details or to register: 312-346-4228 The comprehensive study guide and text are optional, but highly recommended. After all, you want this to stick, right?

St Peter's Church (Madison and Clark) has filled the calendar with great Catholic study and discussion programs that are well worth investigating. For more information on the following programs, contact Carolyn Jarosz at ST. Peter's (312-853-2376).

For starters, they are offering four sessions on the book of Revelation. This will be led by Dr. Jim Papandrea, and meets from 12:10-12:50 on the Thursdays of January. Papandrea uses history along with theology to penetrate the meaning of the images in this most controversial (and confusing) book of the Bible.

Looking for cultural enrichment? Join Fr. Bob Sprott on Thursdays in February and March for an exploration of T.S. Eliot's "Four Quartets" (most often encountered in the form of pithy quotes; more rarely in its context). This class doesn't meet every single Thursday, so check St. Peter's website for the exact dates.

If you're not free at lunch hour, Fr. Elric Sampson is offering an evening review of the history of the Catholic Church, Wednesdays from Feb. 1-Mar. 14 (5:30-7:00). This is an introductory "survey" course, not a detailed study of the past 2,000 years.

The book study with Fr. Bob Pawell (Tuesdays of January; noon) will cover Fr. Jim Martin's "Between Heaven and Mirth: Why Joy, Humor and Laughter are at the Heart of the Spiritual Life."

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